What is ProxStop?
ProxStop provides advanced technological resources to help stop the use of proxies, fraudulent emails, and internet/prepaid phone numbers.
How does ProxStop work?
The ProxStop system will automatically block out bad proxies, temporary/disposable emails, and internet/prepaid phone numbers through the use of any of the services offered. Active points are required in order to have the system work.
Is there a fee?
Yes, there will be a fee based the amount of queries needed. 1 query is 1 point. Points can be purchased in packages starting as low as $25.
When are fees due?
All fees are due based on the time where the services offered are to be utilized. Services will stop if no active points exist.
Are there any refunds?
No, there are no refunds. Since points are only purchased when they are needed, we do not provide refunds for unused points.
Do points expire?
No, points do not expire. They remain in the account until they have been used.
How do I find my API Key?
Click on Users, then API on the left hand side. Your API Key will be activated once you have purchased points.
What is the Proxy IPs service?
This service helps prevent the use of proxy IPs within your system. A value is returned based on whether the IP is valid or not. For additional information (including implementation), check the Documentation.
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